Hello, Galaxy Note 4 samsung is in fact not his rival for other phones samsung because until now has provided excellence for us all, to save a short time following we provide a step-by-step tutorial to show Rooting Samsung Galaxy Note 4 all variants. This tutorial shows you a method that is safe to root and unroot your Note 4 all variants without loss of data and without harming your device unless you are going to do something wrong during follow my instructions. Do not use pirate rooting apps and games, just use it for productive work. But rooting help you to overclock the CPU speed as well as many other things. But to keep it simple to stay with the basics.
To Root your Note 4 using this tutorial you need two things :
1. Download Samsung Kies LINK
Download a Samsung Kies from a Samsung Official Website directly to make sure you have correct drivers installed in your computer for your Note 4.
2. Download Odin Software and extract it using winrar : LINK
After downloading Odin 3 download Root software for installing root on your Note 4 All variants from a below links. Please make sure your are downloading a correct rooting tool kit for your Note 4 from a below link .
SM-N910F (International, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trlte-trltexx-smn910f.zip
SM-N910G (Asia, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trlte-trltedt-smn910g.zip
SM-N910H (Asia, Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-tre3g-tre3gxx-smn910h.zip
SM-N910T (T-Mobile USA, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltetmo-trltetmo-smn910t.zip
SM-N910P (Sprint, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltespr-trltespr-smn910p.zip
SM-N910R4 (US Cellular, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trlteusc-trlteusc-smn910r4.zip
SM-N910W8 (Canadia, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltecan-trltecan-smn910w8.zip
SM-N910C (Thailand, Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-trelte-treltexx-smn910c.zip
SM-N910U (Hong Kong, Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-trhplte-trhpltexx-smn910u.zip
SM-N910K (Korea, Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-treltektt-treltektt-smn910k.zip
SM-N910L (Korea, Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-treltelgt-treltelgt-smn910l.zip
SM-N910S (Korea, Exynos): CF-Auto-Root-trelteskt-trelteskt-smn910s.zip
SM-N9100 (China, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltechn-trlteduoszc-smn9100.zip
SM-N9106W (China, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltechn-trlteduoszn-smn9106w.zip
SM-N9108V (China, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltechn-trltezm-smn9108v.zip
SM-N9109W (China, Qualcomm): CF-Auto-Root-trltechn-trlteduosctc-smn9109w.zip
If you have not found CF Auto Root file for you Note 4 Variant then you can directly go to CF Auto Root Site and search for your Model CF Auto Root Files from a below link
After downloading CF-Auto-Root for your Note 4, extract it using winrar and you will get 3 files like a below picture, but you have to ignore two odin files because we have already installed odin in our system. However if you have not installed odin then install odin in your PC.
Now once you have installed a Samsung Kies and open it with your Note 3 connected with your computer, it will automatically detect your phone and install all the necessary hardware of your phone in your computer. When you connect your phone with your pc it will look like a below picture in Samsung Kies.
After doing this step, make sure you have closed down a Samsung Kies as well as you have disconnected your phone from computer.
After installing drivers through Samsung Kies you have to open Odin. Now from a ODIN Folder you have to press a third file which is Odin3 (Run as Administrator and make sure your phone is disconnected from computer). After opening it you will see a window like below picture.
After opening this Odin file you have to turn off your Note 3 by pressing power on and off key on your Note 3 until its get completely off. Once it gets completely off PRESS (POWER ON AND OFF KEY + HOME BUTTON + VOLUME DOWN KEY AT THE SAME TIME). This will get you in to a downloading mode like a below picture in your phone.
After getting in to a downloading mode you have to press a UP VOLUME KEY ON YOUR PHONE and you will see a window like below picture on your phone
Now when you see a above window connect your Note 4 with your pc through micro usb lead and you will see a below picture like window on your PC
Here you can witness that Odin (Id-com) section has become blue in above picture. Now you have to press PDA in Odin and you have to search for a file CF-Auto-Root-trlte-trltedt-smn910g.tar (if you are on different variant than you will have something else instead of smn910f) which is in your downloaded CF-Auto folder. Look at below picture to see how this file looks like
Now double tap on the file it will be added to Odin and press Start in Odin and leave your phone as it is. After starting a process you will see a window like below picture in your phone with downloading bar and then let process to go complete until your phone get restarted (make sure you dont touch your phone unless its restarted
Green Box will be highlighted in Odin just above the blue box which illustrates that you have did all the things correct. After your phone restarted you will see Super User in your mobile which means you have successfully rooted your phone :), like below picture
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